For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Jesus came to serve and has invited us to join Him in being servants. Serving Christ and others is an indicator of our spiritual transformation and growing maturity as a follower of Christ. Our service options include serving within the local body of Christ and serving those who are not yet believers. If you are feeling called to serve we encourage your to check in with the various ministry leaders within the church and we can let you know about the areas where you are needed.

How are you gifted?
Knowing what your spiritual gifts are and putting them to use are two other great means of growing spiritually. Take the spiritual gift survey and learn where God might be leading you to serve!
How can you serve at Valley?

Contact: Whitney Hays
Care for children from birth through 3 years old while showing them how much Jesus loves them. Our nursery environment allows for parents to be fully present on a Sunday morning knowing their child is in a safe and loving environment.

Contact:Tonya Miller
From helping kids learn Bible verses at Awana, to teaching a Sunday school class, our Children's Ministry has many opportunities for you to serve. This ministry serves the parents of our church by helping with kids from 4 years old up to the 6th grade.

Contact: Brian Robinson
Youth Ministry opportunities to serve are in abundance! You can help lead Bible studies, teach an instrument, host special events, volunteer to provide food, and so much more. The youth ministry is the most fun place in the church to volunteer!
Contact: Justin Kamerman
The media ministry at Valley is always expanding. This ministry exists to allow the clear communication of Gods word through many different avenues. We have a graphic, light, sound, and livestream station that faithful volunteers serve in every week.

Choir and Praise Team
Contact: Max Sullivan
The Worship Ministry of Valley Baptist Church offers an opportunity for children, young people, and adults to serve God and His church with the talents they have been given. In our music, you may sing and hear classical, southern gospel and contemporary music; all in a single service!

Prayer Wall
Contact:Bro. James
Each year we open opportunities during the week for an individual to dedicate an hour to prayer. By having every hour assigned we can ensure that at any point throughout the day and even the year, that someone is praying for you and the Church. We hope that you will join us in this great ministry.
Celebrate Recovery
Contact: David Fox
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.
Faith Outreach Team
Contact: Bro. James
Our Faith teams visit those in our own community that need to know Jesus. These are teams of three that go out and share the Gospel in our area. This ministry trains you in the F.A.I.T.H. method of sharing the Gospel then allows you to go and reach those in our area that need to

How can we serve the world?
Local Missions
Through our local missions, we seek to be Christ’s witnesses and a light in our community. It is our prayer that EVERY member of our congregation will find an opportunity to be His witness and be a part of our efforts.
National Missions
Our teams inside the United States have been from one side of the country helping with disaster relief, construction, backyard Bible clubs, and serving the varous needs of church plants. Valley is the sending church of Anchor Point Church in Colorado Springs.
Global Missions
Store House
Our international missions teams have partnered with churches in other countries and have done medical missions, door to door evangelism, constructed church buildings, and taught Vacation Bible School for those in need. Through the years, teams have served in several countries working with trusted mission partners.
The Storehouse Ministry is a part of 100 Families Resource center here in Searcy. This ministry serves to provide resources to families in crisis in White county. We host this ministry on our campus and many of our members lead out in it.